Camping….and oh yeah….June happened.



This is such a happy picture for me.  Let me introduce you to the Truitt Family….our best friends.  We’ve known them for almost 10 years now…and God truly made our friendship unique from the beginning, that will be another story.  

June hit with me being sick….then we camped for a week…then I was sick again…then I threw out my back….and had an increased number of migraines.  So I’m pretty happy that June has passed, and alas, this is the reason for my lack of posting.  While other awesome bloggers utilize downtime being sick to blog, and post, and be awesome, I use my downtime to lay like a sloth on the couch and hope that the community of amazing people around me keep my children and husband fed.  My community is awesome…and they did just that.  

So back to camping!  It was such an enjoyable week, and I’m so blessed that God gave me a week of feeling great in the middle of June to get dirty with my boys, hike with the family, and swim in the lake.  It was the getting dirty part that really hit me this time.  I am OCD.  I like things clean and tidy, and I admit shamefully that my first couple hours camping were trying to keep my boys from going into the tent with their shoes on.  I was in some deranged trance where I thought it possible to not get dirt in the tent.  Not get dirt in the tent.  Did you all just laugh out loud at me?  I’m ridiculous, I know.   


Well, needless to say…dirt happened, and it happened well.  Lots of it, everywhere, with no showers available.  It was freeing to just let it go. (now you have the song stuck in your head…thank you disney for that) My boys were in heaven…dirty dirty heaven.  


So the take home….literally….was dirt.  And also…I’m getting dirty with my boys more often.  Time outside digging holes, and running around barefoot.  I have to remember regularly that I’ve got boys…and they don’t have OCD…thank you Jesus.  

~ by obsessivecompulsivediva on July 14, 2014.

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