Woops…2011 Already?!!!…..

Well, here it is, almost a year since my last post.  Sorry for the total drop off!  I’d like to start blogging again regularly, and am hoping a new schedule will open up the time for me.  I’ve been inspired recently by the blogger world, and the many super moms out there who write amazing blogs, and manage to update almost daily! They are the new woman warriors in my world. 

So a quick recap of 2010, and the reason for my lazy blogging.  We got a baby!  Yes, our adoption finally went through, and in April of 2010, we welcomed Jadon to our home.  We are super blessed and he is the highlight of my life right now.  He just turned one, and now that infanthood has passed, I feel ready to re-enter the OCDiva world.

I’d like to share a tip that is currently working for me in regards to quiet time with God.  I, like many others, struggle with finding the time in my day for some prayer, bible reading, and reflection.  Yet a lack of this quiet time with God, certainly spills over into the stress of the day.  A great friend told me he opens his Bible before opening his laptop every morning.  Ouch!!!  There’s some conviction for me…the one who checks a dozen blogs, my e-mail, facebook, and the news online every morning before the coffee is done brewing.  Yes, I manage to check into the world of facebook every day, before I check into God.  Eeekkk….I’m feeling convicted just typing this!

So I’ve taken the tip to heart, and have found, amazingly enough, that some quiet time spend with my Maker every morning, not only works our great, and puts my feet in the right starting place for the day. But also, somehow, I manage to find the time to check e-mail, facebook, blogs, and the news still.   Amazing how that works out.  Must be a miracle!

So here is my challenge to you, as I start up the blogging world again.  Does your Bible get opened before your laptop every day? 

Don’t Agonize…Organize…..and open the right thing first.

~ by obsessivecompulsivediva on May 25, 2011.

One Response to “Woops…2011 Already?!!!…..”

  1. Ouch… Thanks for the conviction! And here I thought I was gonna get a tip about getting my stuff organized, when really, I needed to get my priorities organized!

    Thanks for the wake up call Carrie!


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