Don’t Hoard the Nard

Last nights sermon at church (our fabulous little church plant meets on Saturday nights) was around the story of Mary anointing Jesus with a very precious Alabaster Jar of pure Nard.  An oil that was worth an immense amount of money; over a years wages for some.  I was taking notes, as I usually do, partially because it helps me to pay attention, and partially because I was struck by the many applicable lessons to be learned from this one story.  The overarching lesson of course, is that the precious oil poured out on Jesus was a foreshadowing of Jesus’ precious blood poured out for us.  That Mary gave something so priceless, willingly for her Savior, and God gave willingly his Son for us.  

But then I started to think more about the nard.  What was my Nard?  What was worth so much to me?  If asked, would I pour it out completely for someone else?  I started cataloging every material possession I own.  What was I attached the most to? What would be really hard for me to give away?  Was I hoarding my nard?  I came to the happy realization that my family was my Nard.  Happy, because they surpass any material possession I own.  My husband and two boys are priceless to me.  Worth so much more than I could ever fathom.  But while that what a happy realization, it came with a very real question.  A painful question.  Would I give up my family for Jesus, or would I hoard my nard?  I’m not going to post some fluff about how I easily answered the question and would give my everything for Jesus.  I am wrestling with my frank trust and love for Jesus that says “yes…I would give you my all”, and the selfish human in me that says “but please don’t ask for my family.  Please don’t take MY nard.  Lets find something else to give to you”.  

Thats my real answer.  And do you know the best part?  The next wave of understanding with this passage, with where my head was swimming around…led me to this:  its not my Nard.  It never has been.  Everything I own, every possession I treasure, has always belonged to Him first.  Jesus has loaned me an awesome husband for my own personal use.  He has loaned me two beautiful children who I get the privilege to raise.  And if he decided that he wanted to call the note on that loan and take back that collateral…then who am I to argue?  Who am I to complain? 

Now having said all that, you can bet your last dollar I will continue to pray daily for the health and safety of my family.  I will still enjoy the finer material things that I own.  I would prefer to carry this loan for many more years.  I’m not rushing to return these amazing gifts.  But what I hope lingers still always under the surface… I hoarding my Nard?  Can I do more to pour out on others freely and with no strings attached.  I know someone who died for me.  No strings attached.  DIED. FOR. ME.   The least I can do is share my Nard. Image

~ by obsessivecompulsivediva on June 1, 2014.

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