Hello Again…

IMG_8954I’m feeling the bug to blog again…not that I’m a blogger…far from it.  As you can see my posts were few and far between before…and years ago.  But at the encouragement of a friend, I’m going to throw some more stuff out here in this wide world and see where it lands.  Here’s hoping you enjoy my random thoughts on life, love, our great Savior Jesus, and everything organized!

For starters, I’m getting into photography.  I love it.  I love being behind the lens.  I don’t know much at all, and really should take a class, but for now, i’m posting a photo a day.  Just something I’ve captured that caught my attention.  Held my breath for a bit.  Made me laugh…or cry.  (I know there is Instagram for that…but I haven’t jumped on that bandwagon yet…maybe one day).

So here is today’s shot.  It is of my 4 year old son, just before I buzzed the beautiful hair off his head for summer.  He was not sure about the cut.  He sat holding the clippers for a good 5 minutes.  The haircut happened.  There were no tears.  Success.  I’m happy I captured his little pout.  One day I’ll find it cute I’m sure.  Thanks for stopping by!

~ by obsessivecompulsivediva on May 29, 2014.

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