New Job

I’ve been MIA from the OCDiva world because I’ve been sucked back into the world of the gainfully employed.  OCDiva was a brainchild that launched because I was laid off in September of 2009, and now, 5 months later, I have another job, and OCDiva has been neglected.  And get this; I was hired as a consultant!  How great is that?!  I love the new company.  It is happily, just 2 miles up the road from my house, and will be the first time in 14 years that I haven’t had to commute to work.  I can ride a bike to work, jog home, come home on my lunch, and more!  The possibilities are endless.  The new job has made me make some major changes in my life.  It’s because of those changes that I realized that we must be willing to bend and stretch with life.  Being OCD, structured, and organized can sometimes lead to inflexibility.  When I went to Uganda on a mission trip in 2008, our trip leader created the mantra “BE GUMBY”.  That advice not only served me well on our trip, but has been a great reminder of the flexibility we need to embrace life.  Too much control and not enough bend, and eventually you will break. 

Once again the “Be Gumby” mantra is ringing loud and clear.  In all my spare time of unemployment, I happily took on extra projects, launched OCDiva, started blogging, and picked up more duties with church.  Then all of a sudden I get another job and “wham”, now I have way too much on my plate.  The overachiever in me says “you can do it all”, but the gumby in me knows she can only stretch too far. (and yes, my gumby is a girl).

So I had to reluctantly hand back projects I had taken on, and give myself permission to only do those things that I could handle.  It was a great reminder to me that there are times in life when its not about simplifying your home, or chores, or finding a better way to organize something. sometimes the best thing you can do to get organized, is simplify your life. Let go of things that you should not be doing.  Give yourself permission to say “NO”.  The overachiever and people pleaser in all of us somehow forgot to how to say “no”, and we all suffer for it. 

Today’s tip: Evaluate all the things you have on your plate to “do”, or “organize”, or “handle”, and figure out which ones you are going to say “no” to.  Simplify your tasks, and make room for a more peaceful you.

I know my life has changed dramatically in the past 3 weeks. I have less on my plate, a new job, and a clean home.  All because I said no, to those things that I wasn’t meant to do….and just now figured it out.

Don’t Agonize, Organize….and say NO!

~ by obsessivecompulsivediva on March 11, 2010.

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